Purposeful Intent

Purposeful Intent

Mental Skills

You are going to need to re-connect and re-remember your why over and over again to make that habit an automatic action.

Set your intention before each session. That’s power.

The session, most of the time, mimics the energy you are bringing into it. It’s actually the ultimate mirror to your state of mind.

It’s not about what you want. If it’s not grounded in intention, it’s fantasy.

You gotta feel it, set it, intend it and then pay attention to it.

If you observe closely, you'll feel your body also reacting to your state of mind, not the session itself. This is why pre-session ritual setting of intention is so crucial.

I know right, just another bloody thing I have to do, but this particular habit is more important than the physical act of the session itself.

Read that again if you need to!

If you don’t set it up you’ll forget why you are out there when it gets tough.

If you form the habit of forgetting, you will drag yourself through one unconscious session after another and the logical extension of that is for the same state of mind to be carried into your event.

Most of the time-it's not the physical state athletes should be worried about pre-event but rather the state of mind they have trained and enabled through a lack of committed pre-session intention.

If you don't know where you are going or why you are going there, you are going to end up lost.

Wandering through one session after another, one event after another in a backwash of frozen apathy, and you’ll wonder why.

Then you’ll be logically led to the most toxic thought of all; “I don’t know if I want to do this anymore”.

That’s the problem, you don’t know because you don’t consistently set it.

Many people start events lost, there's no trust because they haven't set any internal weigh points.

They don't know what to trust because the event itself becomes the very same unknown they trained with.

There is a major flaw in all of us I’m pointing to here. If you don't set an intention, then you can't know what your purpose is on event day.

You are going to need to re-connect and re-remember your why over and over again to make that habit an automatic action.

Check yourself before each session, make it habitual and make that check a ritual.

To all those out there getting after it, I see you, I know you 🙌

Gilesy 💪❤️